shana leslie

freelance writer

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A Wordy Business Blog

by Shana Leslie

Advice, tips, and thoughts from one freelance writer to help small businesses everywhere navigate the content marketing maelstrom.

A Wordy Business Blog

Let's face it. It's hell out there in the fight for search engine supremacy.

When Google recently dropped the bomb about their entirely new algorithm, Hummingbird, SEO pros the world over dove for cover, quaking, to await the fallout.
When the smoke cleared, it was clear. Engaging, quality content is more important than ever before.

The phrase "content is king" doesn't begin to cover it. Content is emperor, or more like, "Content is the All-Mighty Supreme Intergalactic Emperor!"

That's where I come in. I have more than 14 years experience in the web industry doing web design, consulting, marketing, content writing and SEO. I have experience working in the B2B arena as well as consumer / retail ecommerce.

Now that content matters more than ever, I can get back to my true love of writing!

No more agonizing over the prominence of a keyword in a meta description. No more tortured twists of phrase to satisfy keyword ratio requirements. I can finally just write content! Of course the technical stuff still matters, it's finally not the focus though!
And I can finally use my years of experience and finely honed skills to help you and your business make the most of your web presence. This blog is where you'll find advice, tips, and thoughts to help navigate the content marketing maelstrom.

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email Shana • 503.801.6474